A. Holland Bikes Notre Dame
Starting point : Holland Bikes Notre Dame – Parking Lagrange-Maubert (level-1), 15 rue Lagrange, 75005 Paris

B. Le musée de Cluny et l’hôtel de Cluny

The Cluny Museum, two eras and two monuments coexist: Gallo-Roman baths dating from the 1st century, and a 15th century hotel where abbots passing through Paris lived. The collections allow children to imagine life in the Middle Ages and the artistic creations of that time.
C. Theatre de L’odeon
The Odeon has been one of the five national theaters since September 1971. Architecturally, it is an Italian-style theater (cubic-shaped stage and semicircular hall) and the exterior is neoclassical in style. It has been classified as a historical monument since October 7, 19472.

D. Le carrefour de l’Odéon

Place opened by letters patent of August 10, 1779. In the 17th century, it was called the Riche-Laboureur crossroads. It received its current name in 1801 because of the vicinity of the Odeon theater, Place de l’Odéon.
E. Eglise Saint-Germain-des-Prés
The Church of Saint Germain des Prés, whose entrance opens onto the Place Saint Germain des Prés, was part of the Abbey of Saint Germain des Prés founded in the 6th century which has now disappeared. The current Romanesque bell tower, built between 990 and 1014, consists of a porch, a high chapel and two other floors. The nave, built around 1025-30 rises on two levels with large arches and tall windows.

F. Musée Cernuschi

Place Saint Michel, created in 1855 following the construction of Boulevard Saint Michel which extends northwards by the Saint Michel bridge providing access to the Ile de la Cité. The Saint Michel fountain which faces the Seine was created by the architect Gabriel Davioud in 1860, it includes a bronze group sculpted by Francisque Duret (1804-1865), inspired by the painting by Raphaël at the Louvre, representing Saint Michel slaying the demon.